Palladium Price


Current Price


Week Change

-0.41% £-3.28
Week high £823.32
Week low £762.92
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Palladium Price per Ounce

The above chart shows the palladium price per ounce in pounds sterling.

Palladium metal is part of the platinum family of metals and, although not as common as gold, silver, or platinum, is popular with investors looking for an asset that can maintain a high value.

Investment in palladium is typically done in the form of palladium bars, although you can find palladium bullion coins, such as the palladium Canadian Maple.

You can use our palladium price chart to follow the fluctuations in palladium’s value, enabling you to make well informed decisions to benefit your investment portfolio.

You can follow the palladium prices in the currency and weight of your choice including pound sterling (£), USD ($) or euros (€), per gram, ounce or kilo. You can track the palladium price over different time periods by choosing from the options above the chart.

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